Saturday, April 30, 2011

Defense - The basic rules for surviving an attack

You must be prepared psychologically for you to defend against physical attack. Even the best martial arts training in the world will not be able to help if you do not intend to use as a defense when faced with a sudden aggressive assault.

In this article I will share with you some tips on what to do when faced with an aggressive assault.

1. Always be alert and prepared to respond to any type of physical assault.

The best way to be prepared is through constant mental rehearsal of "what if" scenarios. You must be willing to do anything reasonable to end an assault immediately.

2. Be confident

The best way to gain such confidence is through constant real physical training in defensive tactics skills. The ultimate goal is to have confidence in yourself, your physical and mental ability to links of london friendship bracelet overcome an attack.

3. Develop and use a "voice command" effectively

This command is a deep voice, strong and confident to stop an assault as soon as it started. If used effectively, could stop a potential assault without resorting to any physical force. This is similar to "Kiala" or "martial arts note" used in martial arts training. Is an effective way to deter an attack and defense boost of power, strength and confidence.

4. Do not be afraid of the aggressor or the situation

In the case of an assault, should not be afraid. Using the right tactics and proactive approach to subdue the aggressor.

5. Fight to win

When engaged in a fight, focus on defeating the attacker at all costs. This is the only form of life insurance. Follow the rules of self-defense

5.1. Reacting immediately and fight; 5.2. Maintain eye contact with the aggressor; 5.3. Always see the hand of the aggressor. Is it holding any weapons? 5.4. Use your anger effectively; 5.5. Get trained in basic street fighting skills, 5.6. Use physical and verbal distractions effectively; 5.7. Focus on subject areas vulnerable to attack the attacker.

potential physical assault should not be taken lightly, many have been wounded or killed, he did not know how to respond to assault. Follow the above rules of self-defense and will be able to successfully defend any physical attack.

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