Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Brief History Of Pearls

ey are formed when an irritant or foreign body like a piece of sand in the soft tissues of the oyster. The mollusk secretes nacre, a blend of fine

crystalline calcium carbonate and an organic Links Of London Rings binder, which

covers the irritant as a self-defense. As successive layers of nacre are deposited and hardens, the pearl grows.

Most pearls used in jewelry fashion today are treated with pericultre method call where the irritant is introduced that is necessary to stimulate the

development of the pearl by man. In rare Pandora Bangles cases, the irritant enters the

mollusk tissue without any interference what ever man. The resulting gem is said to be a natural pearl is very rare and very expensive.

Historically, pearls have been obtained from the seas and oceans pearl divers. The first pearl beads files document recovery of the seabed in the Persian

Gulf, Red Sea and Gulf of Mannar, usually in the Pandora region known today as the Middle East. Old records also

document natural pearl harvest in the South China Sea.

Centuries later, during the sixteenth century, the Spanish have identified several large beds of grains near the island of Margerita, which is a few hundred

miles off the coast of Venezuela today. Before the nineteenth century, the production of pearls has been left entirely to the forces of nature. Divers

manually sink to the seabed and recover oysters Pandora Beads and shellfish. The only way to

find the pearl has been to destroy the shell.

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